The Photographer

Jody Richins

I was born in the southern Utah town of Cedar City.  There I was raised until the age of 14 with close friends and familiarity.  We lived on the northern side of town and had a lot of fields around us.  I hunted birds in these fields and built “Forts” or “Huts” as we liked to call them.  There was never a question of if I would get my hands dirty it was when.   You could catch me most days in the summer playing trucks in my moms flower bed and dreaming up dreams of what I would like my life to be like when I grew up. At the age of 7 I faced one of the hardest trials of my life when I lost my father to brain cancer.  I will never forget the moment that I found out that dad was not going to be able to beat cancer.  My poor mother pulled the three of us kids aside, sat us down on the couch and broke the news to us through tears of sorrow.   Until Dad was gone I didn’t fully understand at that age, the effect this moment would have on my life.
This year it will be 25 years since my Dad passed away.  I have a few memories but not half as many as I would like.  I have a few photos of my Dad that I keep close to me all of the time, and they help me remember some of those great memories.   It is for this reason that I fell in love with photography and take such pride in my photography!  From a young age I had a love for cameras and taking pictures, and from there came the roots of my photography.
There are things in life that we choose to forget,  and there are things in life that we wish we could remember more clearly.  Photos of special moments or occasions can help bring crisp, clean, and clear memories to the forefront of our minds and even bring tears of reflection to our eyes.  This is how I came up with our company motto “We capture and preserve precious memories.” 

Please remember to check our website for my most recent work!

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