Thursday, June 27, 2013

Choosing a photographer

    When it comes time for family portraits, senior pictures, weddings, birthdays or special events, I hope you will consider the rest of what I have to say about choosing a photographer.  
    The purpose of photography is to capture a moment in time, a person, a scene or anything for that matter that you would like to remember clearly.  These photographs can bring memories to your mind that could normally be forgotten, or they can add detail to vivid memories you have often.
    Choosing a photographer can become a daunting and tiresome task, especially with almost everyone owning a camera these days.   Keep in mind a camera is only a tool used to capture that photo, the art comes from the desire of the person holding that tool to create a photo that you will enjoy remembering.              

    Owning an expensive camera does not make them a good photographer.  This would be similar to saying an architect is good because they use an expensive computer system, or a mechanic is a good mechanic because he uses top dollar wrenches and sockets.  
    So how do you choose between the plethora of people calling themselves photographers?  It is very simple actually, and some of it can be done without contacting them.  
  1. Look at the pictures they have posted on their facebook page or website.  Do they seem like they are clear?  Do they seem real or do they seem over edited?  Most importantly do they seem like something you can see yourself enjoying as you look over them in the future.
  2. Contact the photographer and ask them some questions!  Are they the type of person you feel will be fun to work with?  Are they happy to answer your questions or do they seem annoyed to be questioned?  
  3. Are they willing to give you all of the images they take including non edited images?  (If the answer to this question is yes, you MAY not be talking to a true professional, most professionals see these photos as art work and will share only their best work with anyone.)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

 Here are some of my most recent shots.  The bird stuff and the buck picture were taken at the Bear River Bird Refuge.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Nature in action!

There is nothing more exciting to me than the opportunity to catch one of mother natures wonders in action.  Here are a few that I have captured the last week.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


While waiting for clients to arrive at this beautiful location, I decided to capture some photos of this beautiful place that I enjoyed when I was younger.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hello everyone and thanks for visiting our page!   While you are here click the photo tabs at the top of the page to see our previous work.  Photography is a passion for me, not a career (although it requires full time hours sometimes) I love capturing people in the moment and a lot of my photography is natural light relaxed setting photography.  My true love in photography is nature photography capturing the outdoors while in the outdoors in my spare time.  Feel free to contact us for any of your photography needs. 

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